Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Post

IMG00090-20100402-0055 I’m really exited! this is my first official posting for my blog. :)  Can you tell I haven’t had any sleep…lol! Well I did catch some Zzzz’s but woke up early today as usual for my 8am math class.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Although I do have to finish my Civil Right term paper for one of my classes.  Ohhh! I can’t wait to finish school…it feels like its taking forever to finish school….I also exited because I have set my self on a eat healthy and exercise diet.  I joined a gym today to officially begin my journey to getting a beach body by summer.  I’ll keep you guys posted on my progress. I’ll also post my before and after pictures so you can see the awesome results i know i can accomplish.

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