Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Freedom Riders of 1961:

The Freedom Rides are organized to gain the equal rights of African Americans. They are organized through many of the activist who happen to be college students at the time. At the time of the Freedom Rides, Martin Luther King was one of the Leaders who was on board supporting the freedom rides. But he unfortunately got bad information in regard to the reputation of the freedom rides and was not as sure wether to keep giving them his support. This all happened before the two buses leaving Atlanta to Burmingham. From these two buses only one made it. The one bus that made it to its destination was surrounded by The Anistion Ku Kux Klan to prevent it from leaving the station. The KKK broke the windows, blew out the tires, and threw gas in the bus, while at the same time sealing the doors of the bus preventing the escape. Among the riders where many white riders and also innocent riders that suffered the attack. The riders barely made it out of the bus alive, gasping for air and coffing up blood. At the same time there was this 12 year old girl who was watching the whole incident and decided she was going to help the riders. She was handing out water for them and cleaning their faces one by one.

Another Freedome Ride was also made up of students from Fisk University. This organization was led by Diane Nash and was responsible for the safety and lives of the people in the freedom ride. The freedom ride bus was to leave Nashville and arrive at Burmingham. This was during the time finals were taken and the students made the decision to drop out of school and continue on with the freedom ride. Along for this freedom ride was Zwerg, he is a white student supporting the freedom riders. Considered a traitor to his "people". The organization chose seven men and three women for the freedom ride to Burmingham. One of the representative for John F. Kennedy was trying to persuade Diana Nash to call of the Freedom ride but was shut dowm and impress on how a young women like her can have such an amizing calm and mature way of thinking. Diana said to him, "Cannot let Violence overcome NonVIolence." When the freedom riders arrived at Burmingham, Bull Conner arrested the students and said it was for their safety. After that the students were taken to the border of Alabama and told them to find their way back home. The freedome riders did not give up and found shelter and returned to Burmingham. This time they were met with assault and even the Government Official that represented JFK was beaten up for helping one of the freedom rider women that was being beat up.

Unfortunatley I was unable to finish the film because the panel of discussion took place with some of the Freedom Riders form the 1961. So it was not such a bad trade off. The discussion was started with Reverand Lausson( Not sure of the Spelling) on how he uses much of what he teaches from Ghandi to demostrate nonviolence. As Rev. Lausson stated " Nonviolence is learning to fight but with the deep roots of humanity.". which is very different than just not reacting or fighting for what you strongly believe. We should fight for what we are passionate about. Any issues that affect us and issues that hit closer to home are what most likely will bring out what we are passionatly active for. Many of the speakers recounted on their personal experiences on how they were active with in their univesity and what united them in their cause. The movement that began was through a discussion with another classmate, where they found many similarities and they wanted to become activist. This led to their three man movement, which to the school seemed to include more than three students because of the mass reproduction of flyers that were distributed through out the campus. One of the panelist enlisted in the army for the GI bill and another to the Navy. Their freedom ride allowed the Texas organization to gain more publicity( which was being shut down) in order to succed in obtaining equal rights.

What I have learned through this is that many times one has to go out there and stay informed. Because we may not believe that what happens in our society will affect us so close to home, it often time does. We have to become activist for ourselves, and that is the only way we will be able to make a change. May not be a huge change but small changes allow room for bigger ones in the future. There are many OCCUPY movement all around the LA area and to be involve does not take much, just show up and give your support. Become active in your community.

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